(You can read more of our original ideas in our archive. You can order a business plan of this idea here.)

Problem: There are more than 130 million pieces of space junk and space debris orbiting the earth. This is especially problematic when satellites cost billions of dollars and can be destroyed by any of these floating pieces of junk.

Solution: Earlier this week, the FCC updated its orbital debris mitigation rules. While debris mitigation is useful for promoting the future of space travel, one of the best ways to ensure that space does not become polluted is by removing existing debris rather than just leaving it there or putting less debris there. The business would focus on collecting existing debris in space and re-purposing it for use as materials, souvenirs, or artifacts to be sold on earth. The business would develop a robot whose sole purpose is to collect existing and unused space debris. This company could also invest in “space factories” to produce and manufacture goods in space (another idea about this coming out later this week).

The issue of space debris/junk is extremely interesting: if we do not remove debris, the world could be blocked from space travel. As NASA scientist Donald Kessler warned in 1978:

…every collision was generating more debris and shrapnel as pieces flew apart on impact. This debris would then collide with other debris and spacecraft, creating even more shrapnel. Eventually space would become impenetrable due to the unstoppable cascade of colliding debris taking out telecommunications systems and preventing future space missions.

Monetization: Selling the collected space debris on earth as expensive souvenirs or repurposing the existing debris to create new products with high-quality materials.

Contributed by: Michael Bervell (Billion Dollar Startup Ideas)

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